205 Live: The Best WWE Show That Nobody is Watching

WWE’s weekly television program that showcases their cruiserweight division, although certainly a diamond in the rough, is far from a perfect.

Both 205 Live and the division itself spawned from the Cruiserweight Classic, WWE’s widely successful cruiserweight-only tournament that began last July and ended a few months later in September. Unlike the CWC, which was presented as a competition to determine the best wrestler under 205 pounds, 205 Live mirrors the formatting of WWE’s larger televised programs. That format being an emphasis on storylines and drama outside of the ring, with the in-ring action taking a backseat.

This structuring of the show has been a large contributor to the floundering of 205 Live and the cruiserweight division since their inception last fall. The CWC was a huge hit because it was different; it felt completely unique to everything else WWE had at the time.

Now, it feels like a less important version of SmackDown Live and Raw, which is a far cry from the spectacle fans raved about last summer.

Despite all the negatives, 205 Live is frequently WWE’s best show of the week. The storylines always make sense and progress in a timely fashion, and the writing is usually top notch. Perhaps most importantly, the in-ring action is always good, oftentimes great, due to the top-notch quality of the performers in the division.

The roster oozes with talent. There isn’t a cruiserweight that couldn’t steal the show and put on a main event caliber match on any given night.

Speaking of main event talent, the division is also home to one of WWE’s brightest and most consistent performers, Neville.

Neville arrived on the scene last December, immediately inserting himself in the Cruiserweight Championship picture. Soon after, he captured the title and began to set the WWE ablaze with awesome performance after awesome performance.

I personally believe Neville has everything it takes to be WWE Champion. He has a great look, his mic skills are above average, and he is one of the best in-ring performers WWE has on their roster. Without Neville, the cruiserweight division would not be what it is today; he is, hands down, the MVP of the group.

I’ll be honest, I’d love to see WWE change their approach to 205 Live and the cruiserweight division, reviving the vibe and atmosphere they created with the CWC. However, the current product is above average, and if they can manage to get more eyes on the show, fans are sure to realize that the cruiserweights are must-see television.

Do you enjoy the cruiserweights? How often do you watch 205 Live? Let us know on Twitter, @TheRumbleRamble.

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